Haryana BJP leader and actress Sonali Phogat, who rose to fame following her participation in Salman Khan-hosted reality show Bigg Boss season 14, died of a heart attack in Goa on Monday night. The news comes as a shock for all her fans and well-wishers. Scroll down to know more.
Sonali made her acting debut in 2016 with the TV soap Ek Maa Jo Laakhon Ke Liye Bani Amma. She also appeared in a Haryanvi film Chhoriyan Chhoron S Kam Nahi Hoti. Apart from this, she has appeared in several Punjabi and Haryanvi music videos. She was also quite popular on TikTok.
Sonali Phogat suffered a massive heart attack in Goa. She, along with some of her staff members, had gone to Goa. As reported by Indian Express, BJP state president Om Prakash Dhankar has issued a statement over her demise. He said, “I have learnt about the sad demise of Sonali Phogat. It is really sad news.”
Capt Bhupender, who is the party’s district president in Hisar, said “She was with some of her associates in Goa. We heard about an hour ago that she suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away in the wee hours. Certain formalities are being completed there at Goa, after which her body shall be brought to Haryana”. She is now survived by her daughter Yashodhara Phogat.
Sonali Phogat joined the BJP in 2008. She then went on to become the national vice president of BJP’s Mahila Morcha. She also headed the party’s tribe wing in several states like Haryana, Delhi, and Chandigarh. During the 2019 Haryana elections, she contested the assembly elections from Adampur on a BJP ticket against Kuldeep Bishnoi from Congress at that time. However, she lost the election to him.
Back in 2016, Sonali’s husband Sanjay Phogat died at the age of 42 under mysterious circumstances in his farmhouse.
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