The lockdown period has worked wonders for Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan featuring Arun Govil, Dipika Chikhlia and Sunil Lehri in lead roles. Even after decades of its original telecast, people are still going crazy for the show and the whole cast of the show is trending all over social media and how. After actor Arun Govil aka Ram of Ramayan made his debut on twitter a few days ago, now Arvind Trivedi aka Ravan has also debuted on the social media platform.

The veteran actor revealed that his children insisted on joining Twitter and interacting with his fans. Ever since he has been sharing his thoughts and memories from the ‘good old days’. Not only this, but he is also actively sharing glimpses from the Ramayan days and his bond with his former co-stars.

After Arun Govil, Now Ramayan’s Ravan AKA Arvind Trivedi Debuts On twitter; Fans Welcome Him With #RavanOnTwitter
After Arun Govil, Now Ramayan’s Ravan AKA Arvind Trivedi Debuts On Twitter; Fans Welcome Him With #RavanOnTwitter

Arvind also shared a recent picture with Sunil Lehri aka Lakshman, from one of their unplanned meetings. This photo of the two stars has been grabbing a lot of attention from social media users and they cannot wait to see the reunion of the ‘entire Ramayan cast.’ A fan also shared a 33-year-old picture of Arun Govil aka Ram and Ravan spending some gala time on the sets. In this picture, the two actors are seen sharing a warm handshake as they pose for the cameras.

A few days ago, Arvind’s clip watching the Sita Haran scene went viral on the internet. In the video, Arvind can be seen apologizing to the viewers for playing the bad guys in the show. His innocence and cuteness won the internet.

It’s a pleasant thing to watch all these veteran actor get showered with so much respect and love for their hard work.

Who is your favorite character from Ramayan? Let us know in the comments section below.

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