Thani Oruvan was directed by Mohana Raja, who directed Godfather and Hanuman Junction in Telugu. In 2016, Thani Oruvan was remade into Telugu as Dhruva, with Ram Charan playing the lead role. It was a super hit as well. Meanwhile, Mohana Raja recently revealed that Prabhas was the initial choice for Thani Oruvan.
Speaking in an interview, Mohana Raja said that when he was writing Thani Oruvan, he initially considered Prabhas for the lead role. He also approached Prabhas. Despite liking the script, Prabhas rejected it as he had different career plans at that time.
Eventually, Mohana Raja worked with his brother Jayam Ravi and scored a hit. After this revelation, Prabhas fans have opined that it would have been another landmark in Prabhas’s career if he had done it.
Later, Thani Oruvan was remade in Telugu with the title Dhruva. Surender Reddy directed the film. Mohan Raja was supposed to direct the film but for some reason, it did not happen. Surender stepped in. Later, Surender Reddy directed the film, Godfather, the remake of the Malayalam hit film Lucifer. Mohan Raja’s debut is Hanuman Junction in Telugu and after many years, he returned with that film.
There is no clarity if Dhruva had been pitched to Prabhas and, at that time, Prabhas also seemed busy. Hence, Ram Charan did the film.
Recently, Prabhas scored a blockbuster with Kalki 2898 AD. As of now, he has Kalki 2, Raja Saab, Spirit and an untitled project with Hanu Raghavapudi in his lineup.
On the other hand, director Mohan Raja is planning the sequel of Thani Oruvan 2, and if that clicks at the box office, Dhruva 2 might also happen in Telugu.
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