South Indian cinema has always given clashes that have always broken office records every time. This time, the clash between Ajith Kumar’s Thunivu and Vijay’s Varisu are releasing on the same day and the showdown seems to be epic. As both the movies are scheduled to take on head-to-head on January 11, 2023, the price of the tickets in the black market has seen a huge spike. The movies have a vast number of theaters across Tamil Nadu and fans are eager to see what their favorite stars will bring to the screen.
As the clash is set to break all the box office numbers, the producers, distributors, and exhibitors are planning to balance screens. The fans on social media platforms, the fan groups are having verbal disputes about which movie will perform better at the box office. The craze for the movie has led to a shortage of tickets as all the pre-booking has made the theatres housefull.
Considering the shortage of tickets, a report by tracktollywood shows that Thunivu is having a 5% lead among the two in terms of screen share. The same report also states that the average ticket pricing of Thunivu and Varisu shows are selling for as high as Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000. As the battle showdown has gone to the next level, the demand for the early morning shows is insanely high for both the movies.
To cash in the craze and opportunity, many exhibitors have not opened tickets for online sales or counters for many theaters. They are directly selling the tickets in the black market and the fans are leaving no chance to watch their stars on the opening day. The average cost of average screens is reportedly around 1500 to 2000. Meanwhile, some of the few famous screens are selling tickets at the price of 2500 to 3000.
With the craze, Kollywood will witness a blast during the Pongal season.
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