Telugu superstar Nagarjuna has refused to react to the theatre ticket price issue in Andhra Pradesh. He had spoken during a pre-release event of his movie ‘Bangarraju’ on Wednesday.
A journalist had questioned Nagarjuna on the minimal ticket pricing for the movies in Andhra Pradesh. Nagarjuna refused to react on the matter, stating that he doesn’t want to address political issues during a movie event.
“I refuse to comment on political issues, as this is a movie-related event. I can only talk about ‘Bangarraju’ movie and related things here,” the ‘Manmadhudu’ actor said.
Nagarjuna had earlier said, “I have no problem even if the prices are low. My movie is fine with these prices. Maybe it will collect a little lesser money at the box-office. But there is no problem.”
In the wake of a slash in movie ticket prices and theatre seizures, the Telugu film industry has been facing a lot of hurdles in Andhra Pradesh. A few celebrities like Nani, Ram Gopal Varma, Raghavendra Rao have opposed the state government’s move.
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