Months after announcing separation with South sensation Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Naga Chaitanya found himself in the middle of rumours. The actor became the talk of the town when reports of him dating a Bollywood actress made headlines. Reports are a strong buzz that Naga, who’s currently gearing up for the release of Aamir Khan-led Laal Singh Chaddha, had found love in Made In Heaven actress Sobhita Dhulipala.
Media reports stated that the duo has been in the relationship for some time now and is often snapped at each other’s residence.
Naga Chaitanya is on the promotional spree for his upcoming Bollywood debut film Laal Singh Chadha, which is headlined by Aamir Khan and also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan and Mona Singh in the key roles. In his media interviews, the actor opened up about his professional as well as personal life, especially about his spilt with estranged wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Now for the first time, Naga reacted when asked about what comes to his mind when he hears Sobhit Dhulipala’s name.
Speaking to RJ Siddharth Kanan, Naga shared a hearty chuckle and said, “I am just gonna smile.” Well, ever since we learnt about this we wonder what does this smile mean? Is he confirming his dating rumours or just letting his fans ponder?
Earlier a source had revealed to Pinkvilla, “Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala seemed very comfortable in each other’s company as they spent time at the actor’s new house. Naga was giving her a tour of his massive home. After a few hours, they left together in the same car,” adding “Naga Chaitanya was spotted multiple times at the same hotel as Sobhita Dhulipala where she was staying for the promotions of her last film Major. In fact, she also spent her birthday recently in Hyderabad with her ‘close buddies.”
In 2021 October, Samantha Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya shared a note on their respective social media accounts declaring separation. A lot has been said and written about them since.
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