Malayalam’s own pan-India star Dulquer Salmaan, who entered the acting scene with the film ‘Second Show’, is now completing eleven years in the film world. The occasion was marked by the second look poster release of Dulquer-starrer’s big-budget pan-India film ‘King of Kotha’.
In the second poster, the actor looks overwhelmed and sported an olive shirt and black trousers, holding a cigarette, while standing in front of his jeep. Dulquer, who also shines as a singer and producer, has now carved a niche for himself in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi cinema.
The poster also confirms that the ‘King of Kotha‘ film is billed as a festival release, and will hit the big screens on Onam.
The second look poster of ‘King of Kotha’ shows Dulquer Salmaanr in a never-before-seen stylish look celebrating 11 years in cinema today. While launching the poster on social media, he said, “So here’s another peak into the world of Kotha. Presenting to all of the second look of #KingOfKotha #KOK.”
‘King of Kotha’, Dulquer Salmaan’s all-time high budget film, is produced by Wayfarer Films and Zee Studios. Directed by Abhilash Joshi, ‘King of Kotha’ tells the story of two eras. It is also Zee Studios’ first Malayalam film.
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