Allu Arjun is all set to set the big screens on fire with his upcoming and highly-anticipated film, Pushpa 2. The first part turned out to be a huge box office success despite Covid restrictions. It turned out to be a sensation all across the country. Now, with part 2, expectations are sky-high. However, the actor is clueless about his next film post his pan-India biggie. Keep reading to know more!
Allu has always been a popular face across the country but that was restricted to just TV screens. It was 2021’s Pushpa which gave him a smashing entry into the pan-India scene on a theatrical level and with the upcoming sequel, no one can exactly predict the box office destruction the actor will cause. But what’s next in the store post Pushpa sequel is what makes Allu clueless!
As per the report on, Allu Arjun doesn’t have any clear idea about his next film after Pushpa 2. He has plans about doing a film with director Trivikram but there’s a notion about the director that his films work only among the Telugu audience as its appeal is restricted. Even his Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo was remade in Hindi as Shehzada starring Kartik Aaryan. With the remake heading towards a flop verdict, there are questions about the appeal of Sukumar’s films.
With this, Allu Arjun doesn’t know what to do after Pushpa 2 as he wants to meet the pan-India expectations and maintain his momentum. He’s reportedly taking his time for choosing his upcoming projects wisely.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is working tirelessly to put together Pushpa 2. Recently, the team was in Vizag for a 10-day shoot. The makers round up quite a few sequences including a fight sequence with Allu.
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