Mollywood heartthrob Prithviraj Sukumaran recently joined his family post successfully completing his institutional and home quarantine. The actor landed back in India only last month after being stranded in Jordan for over two months amid COVID-19. The Aadujeevitham actor who is quite active on social media, yesterday shared a throwback picture from the film’s sets.
Yesterday, Prithviraj Sukumaran shared the picture taken on the film’s set in Jordan which has him trying a pull shot in Rohit Sharma style, but the former completely misjudges the delivery and ends up getting caught.
Prithviraj had a caption that read, “When you pre meditate a pull shot thinking you’re Rohit Sharma but get caught at short mid wicket instead #Aadujeevitham #WadiRum #Cricket @ImRo45”
When you pre meditate a pull shot thinking you’re Rohit Sharma but get caught at short mid wicket instead 🤪 #Aadujeevitham #WadiRum #Cricket @ImRo45
— Prithviraj Sukumaran (@PrithviOfficial) June 12, 2020
About Aadujeevitham, Prithviraj Sukumaran and the team of Aadujeevitham were in Jordan for the shoot of some crucial portions. They were stranded for over two months there from March due to the ongoing pandemic. The team comprised of 58 members.
Prithviraj Sukumaran along with Aadujeevitham crew flew in from Jordan to Delhi and from there they took a flight to Kochi last month. Following which every member of the team underwent quarantine.
Aadujeevitham is a survival drama based on the novel with the same name written by writer Benyamin. Apart from Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film also stars South sensation Amala Paul, Vineeth Srinivasan, Aparna Balamurali along with others.
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