Did a famous actor threaten Elliot Page?
Did a famous actor threaten Elliot Page? (Photo Credit – Instagram)

In the chapter titled “Famous A–hole at Party,” Page recounted how an actor he considered an acquaintance confronted him at a birthday party in Los Angeles. The actor told him, “You aren’t gay. That doesn’t exist. You are just afraid of men.” The situation escalated when the actor made a chilling threat: “I’m going to f*** you to make you realize you aren’t gay.”

The audacity of the encounter left Elliot Page shaken, but it didn’t end there. Just days later, the actor tried to backtrack on his comments when he ran into Page at the gym. “I don’t have a problem with gay people, I swear,” the actor claimed. To which Page responded, “I think you might.” It was a painful reminder of the homophobia Page—and countless others in the LGBTQ+ community, often faced.

Page included this story in his book to shed light on the disturbing realities that queer and trans individuals often experience. “I’ve had some version of that happen many times throughout my life,” Page shared with People magazine. “A lot of queer and trans people deal with it incessantly. These moments that we often, like, don’t talk about or we’re supposed to just brush off, when actually it’s very awful.”

Page’s decision to include the story isn’t just about reliving a traumatic moment, but about making sure these experiences are acknowledged. “I put that story in the book because it’s about highlighting the reality, the shit we deal with and what gets sent to us constantly, particularly in environments that are predominantly cis and heterosexual.”

In his book, Page is intentionally vague about the actor’s identity, but he makes it clear that the individual involved will know who they are. “I’m purposely not sharing his name. But he will hear about this and know it’s him,” Page wrote.

Page’s courage in addressing such an uncomfortable and personal experience highlights the ongoing need for conversations about homophobia and the toxic environments that perpetuate it. This moment, which could have been brushed under the rug, is now part of a broader conversation that Page is fostering about queer and trans struggles.

By sharing his story, Page is reminding us all of the importance of visibility and understanding in the fight for equality and respect. The actor may have thought his words wouldn’t leave an impact, but they only served to further Page’s commitment to being open and honest about the hardships faced by many in the LGBTQ+ community.

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