Tom Cruise created a whirlpool of excitement amid the lockdown with the news of his space film. The actor is all set to shoot a part of his next project in the space. Now according to the latest update, the actor might take off to space in October 2021. Yes, you read that right, it’s happening, and below is all you need to know about the same.
For the unversed, Cruise has collaborated with Dough Liman on a one of its kind projects. The duo in the very beginning clarified that the film is not a part of the Mission Impossible franchise. As per the latest tweet by the Space Shuttle Almanac hints that the actor will take off for space in October.
The tweet that mentions Tom Cruise as the passenger reads, “With the arrival of the @MBRSpaceCentre Astronauts @astro_hazzaa and @Astro_Alneyadi at @NASA_Johnson this week, can we assume they are the two Emirati crew members who will make the 6 mth stay on the #ISS in Oct 2022?”
As per Deadline, the pictures posted by Almanac show the schedules of the future space missions. Amid these, the entries for October 2021 seem to be familiar. Three names are listed in the list as a part of Space X Crew Dragon. It includes SpaceX Pilot Lopez Alegria, Tourist 1 Tom Cruise and Tourist 2, Doug Liman. There is also a space vacant for a tourist.
While it is an exciting news, it is still not confirmed if Tom Cruise’s 2021 trip is for recce or the final shoot. The film is set on a massive budget of $200 Million. The film brings together Tom, Dough Liman, Christopher McQuarrie, and producer PJ van Sandwijk. The film also has Elon Musk’s contribution through his SpaceX project.
Meanwhile, Tom Cruise recently resumed work on the next instalment of Mission Impossible. The actor will also be seen in Top Gun: Maverick. How excited are you for the new space film? Let us know in the comments section below. Stick to Koimoi for more updates.