Disha Patani happens to be a huge name in the Bollywood industry. The actress never misses an opportunity to make heads turn with her public appearances and especially her bold fashion sense. Be it her red carpet appearances, her city sightings or her aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed, the actress always keeps her fashion game top notch. Today, we bring you a throwback to the time when Disha donned a s*xy corset dress and flaunted her busty cleav*ge through a sultry picture while also making us notice her curvaceous figure. Scroll below to take a look at her picture.
Disha enjoys a huge fan following across the globe especially on social media with over 56 million followers on Instagram. The Malang actress often makes noise on the internet with her bold and extra glamorous pictures and videos and we especially love her workout reels. Patani never misses a chance to give fitness goals to her fans on social media.
Now coming back to the topic, in October 2021, Disha Patani took to her Instagram account and shared a sultry picture of herself in a black corset dress. The dress came with a plunging neckline and the actress flaunted her busty cleav*ge in it while also showcasing her curvaceous figure in the picture.
Along with the tulle corset dress, Disha Patani kept her makeup minimalistic with brown smokey eyes and nude glossy lips with highlighter accentuating her facial features and neck. She kept her tresses open with messy soft waves at length.
Take a look at the picture below:
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Who said angels don’t exist! Disha Patani is a living proof of the same.
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