Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are set to start a new journey as they got engaged recently. Naga’s father, Nagarjuna, shared the good news and pictures from the engagement on social media. The couple looked absolutely graceful. The Made In Heaven star rocked chic attire, which can serve as inspiration for your engagement look. If you make a few changes, you can also use it as inspiration for the wedding guest look. Keep scrolling for the deets.
For the unversed, Naga was previously married to Samantha, but the couple parted ways after being together for a few years. On the other hand, Sobhita and Naga were linked to each other several times in the past few years. Pictures of the then-rumored love birds often went viral on social media, and they finally got engaged today. Sobhita frequently steals our hearts with her saree looks; this time, she did not fail to captivate us with her panache.
According to Pinkvilla’s report, Sobhita Dhulipala chose to wear a custom-crafted saree by designer Manish Malhotra. The six yards of elegance had Sobhita written all over it [NOT Literally]. According to the reports, the saree was made of textiles specially created by the people of the weaving communities of Andhra Pradesh. The actress paid tribute to her traditions and culture with this Uppada silk saree. It is a golden blush color in the coral hue of the Kanakaambaram flower.
The report also revealed the symbolic silhouette on Sobhita’s saree was taken from paintings by the great artist Bapu. The heavily embellished saree featured intricate works with golden embroidery that looked stunning on the actress. The saree was paired with a matching blouse with similar gold embroidery work, enhancing the look and making it more alluring. The checkered blouse had a high neckline with golden butta work.
Sobhita Dhulipala opted for traditional design gold ornaments to compliment her vibrant-hued saree. She wore a layered golden neckpiece, embellished jhumkas, matching bangles, and rings on her fingers. She tied her hair in a neat low bun with a middle parting and made it look outstanding with an orange gajra around the bun.
For makeup, Sobhita Dhulipala opted for a minimalistic look that looked more natural and subtle on the eyes. She sported a sheer foundation base and coral blush on the cheeks, complementing her saree. Her eyes were kohl-lined, and for the lips, she wore a nude coral tint. It was all very soothing on the eyes and also goes perfectly with the current weather vibes.
Check out her look here:
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Naga Chaitanya’s father posted the news of their engagement on X with a heartfelt note:
"We are delighted to announce the engagement of our son, Naga Chaitanya, to Sobhita Dhulipala, which took place this morning at 9:42 a.m.!!
We are overjoyed to welcome her into our family.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. 💐…— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) August 8, 2024
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