Shraddha Kapoor, who is all set to return to the big screens after a long gap with another rom-com Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar opposite of Ranbir Kapoor, is ruling over our social media feeds. Yesterday, Shraddha was spotted in the city for their movie’s trailer launch, and surely, she looked like an angel in a black outfit. Scroll below as we decode her look!
Shraddha enjoys a massive fanbase who not only likes her for her acting skills but also admires her for her fashion sense. She has a sartorial choice when it comes to fashion. She can even make a casual outfit look chic and classy!
A few hours ago, Shraddha Kapoor took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of pictures from her yesterday’s ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’ trailer launch look. In the photos, Shraddha looked gorgeous as ever in a black knitted bell-sleeve body-hugging dress with cut-out detailing at the sternum bone and featured a plunging neckline. She accentuated the look with a pair of statement hoops and black tie-up heels.
Shraddha Kapoor opted for subtle smokey eyes with silver shimmers and sleek eyeliner with mascara-laden lashes. She completed the look with a dewy foundation with blushed cheeks, defined brows and n*de glossy lip shade. She kept her hair open in soft curls, which added an edge to the whole look.
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Are you looking for that perfect pick for your BFF’s bachelorette party? Then, look no further as your favourite diva Shraddha Kapoor is here to give you tips on how to get ready for your best friend’s special day, where you can serve lewks, keep your hair down while dancing and enjoy the party! Pair up your black dress with some glittery eye makeup, statement earrings, and heels and voila! You’re all set to make heads turn at the party.
How was Shraddha’s look from the trailer launch? Let us know if you would like to recreate Shraddra Kapoor’s look for your BFF’s bachelorette party!
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more fashion news and updates!
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