Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 continues to enjoy a sensational run at the Indian box office as it has finally made a highly-anticipated entry into the 500-crore club. After holding onto well during weekdays, the film did exceptionally well during the third weekend. In fact, it earned historic numbers and toppled the 7-year-old record of Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Hindi). Keep reading to know the detailed report!
The Amar Kaushik directorial has turned out to be a big success story and thesis for filmmakers to study. Without any big star, the horror comedy has fetched historic numbers merely on the basis of hype and content. Also, the overall feel-good factor around the horror genre has worked in favor. And if official numbers are to be considered, it took the same time as Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan to enter the 500 crore club in India (Hindi collection).
According to official data, Stree 2 witnessed another sensational jump and earned 22.10 crores on day 18, thus making a smooth entry into the 500 crore club at the Indian box office. Including it, the domestic collection now stands at a staggering 502.35 crores. Jawan achieved the same feat in 18 days, and now, even this horror comedy sequel has accomplished the task in 18 days (including paid previews).
Apart from achieving the 500 crore milestone, Stree 2 has also broken the 7-year-old record of Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Hindi). For those who don’t know, Baahubali 2 (Hindi) held the record for the highest third-weekend Hindi collection with 42.55 crores. Released in 2017, the Baahubali sequel was unbeaten until yesterday, but now, the Stree sequel has surpassed it with 48.75 crores.
Yes, Stree 2 now holds the record for the highest third-weekend collection in the history of Hindi cinema. Check out the breakdown of the same below:
3rd Friday – 9.25 crores
3rd Saturday – 17.40 crores
3rd Sunday – 22.10 crores
3rd weekend total – 48.75 crores
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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