Yet another day, yet another record. On Friday, Shah Rukh Khan, John Abraham and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan collected 14 crores more at the box office. With this, the overall total for the action thriller stands at 378.15 crores. The figure is special because now the biggie has gone past the lifetime total of Avengers: Endgame in India. The Marvel superhero film had collected 373.22 crores back in 2019 and now in less than four years, this number is history as Pathaan has raced ahead of it.
The record has been set in mere 10 days, which shows that when a true Bollywood film comes in then all records are set to be shattered left, right and center, be it a film from West, south India, or any other part of the world. There is huge scope for well-made big-budget Bollywood with big stars and that has been shown yet again by the Shah Rukh Khan starrer which is set to break many more records in days to come as well.
On Thursday, the Siddharth Anand-directed film Pathaan had collected 15.65 crores and one did expect the Friday score to be in the 13.50-14 crores range at least. After all, there is zero competition around it and moreover, the ticket rates are back to being high as well.
Moreover, due to the weekend factor, typically the evening and night shows get even better. Hence, one now waits to see the kind of jump in numbers that is evidenced again. It will get to 18 crores for sure but anything over 20 crores would truly set up Pathaan further for a really huge total.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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