Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has been on a magical ride at the Box Office ever since it was released on September 7. The Atlee directorial has been on a record-breaking spree, making some new ones and shattering the old ones. Now, the film has added another age to the book of Giant Records.
According to reports, Jawan has made a collection worth 200+ crore in 24 days only from the multiplex chain PVR Inox, making it rightfully the deserving candidate to claim the top spot of the multiplex’s collections to date.
In less than a month, Jawan has earned approximately Rs 215 crore and in fact, crossed the mark as we talk and discuss these numbers. In doing so, according to trade analyst Nishit Shaw, the film even surpassed Kannada super duper hit KGF 2, which was sitting at number 1 spot with the highest collection from PVR INOX to date.
Interestingly, the multiplex chain recorded, its single biggest box office month of all time in August, with a gross box office revenue of 532 crore across its theatres with films like Gadar 2 and OMG 2. Jawan gave a boost to an already high collection streak for the multiplex chain.
As per the data available by Money Control, in the first 22 hours after the advance booking opened, Jawan did the unthinkable by selling an unimaginable 2.60 lakh tickets all across the country. This included 1.48 lakh tickets booked at three national cinema chains. Further, the three major multiplex chains in the country – PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis – had reported they sold 2.35 million advance tickets within the first three days of the bookings being opened.
According to trade reports, Shah Rukh Khan’s beast mode reportedly contributed a collection of Rs 23+ crore for day 1 against sold tickets of 448,000 from PVR-INOX.
Now, with the 215 crore mark, Jawan will next claim the 250 crore spot from the multiplex chain. With the Gandhi Jayanti weekend and another few days till the next big release, Shah Rukh Khan will definitely enjoy the monopoly!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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