Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is running riot at the Indian box office after going full throttle during the 4th weekend. The makers played a masterstroke with the ‘Buy 1 Get 1” offer to build momentum for the extended weekend. The result is clearly seen as the film entered the 600 crore club on its day 25, i.e. fourth Sunday. Keep reading to know more!
Recently, the makers announced a ‘Buy 1 Get 1’ offer from Thursday to Saturday. It paid really well, as occupancies were very impressive. Today, despite no offer, the film witnessed thunderous growth all over the country, sending a loud and clear message that the fever is still on.
Jawan did a business of 8.46 crores yesterday, and today, yet again, the film witnessed a jump as early trends suggest collection in the range of 9-9.70 crores on day 25. This is simply unbelievable, and no one is able to predict where the film is currently heading with its unstoppable force.
Considering the early trends, Jawan is heading for a total of 606.83-607.53 crores (all languages) at the Indian box office in 25 days. With this, the film has inaugurated the 600 crore club for Bollywood, which is a huge feat again for Shah Rukh Khan, who invented 400 crore and 500 crore clubs for Bollywood with Pathaan.
With big films like Tiger 3 and Fighter awaiting their release, it’ll be interesting to see if any other Bollywood films enter this coveted club.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources.
Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi. Stay tuned to Koimoi for more box office updates & stories!
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