Shamshera was supposed to be Ranbir Kapoor’s epic comeback post the humongous success of Sanju, however, it turned out to be an epic disappointment at the box office. The film came after Ranbir‘s 4-year hiatus from the big screen. It failed miserably and is said to be one of the biggest disasters in recent times for Bollywood.
The period action drama also had Sanjay Dutt as a villain. Upon its release, Shamshera opened with negative to mixed reviews and took just about a decent start with 10.25 crores coming in on day 1. It practically had just two weeks of theatrical run and ended up its run at 43 crores.
Have a look at the daily breakdown of the box office collection of Shamshera:
Day 1- 10.25 crores
Day 2- 10.50 crores
Day 3- 11 crores
First weekend of Shamshera – 31.75 crores
Day 4- 2.80 crores
Day 5- 2.50 crores
Day 6- 1.90 crores
Day 7- 1.50 crores
First week- 40.45 crores
Second week- 1.68 crores
Third week- 0.87 crore
Lifetime- 43 crores
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