Secret Superstar Box Office: Released in 2017, the film featuring Zaira Wasim in a key role also had Aamir Khan in an extended cameo. It faced the heat from Ajay Devgn’s Golmaal Again but managed to do well with its target audience. It emerged as a Hit in its lifetime run.

Secret Superstar opened on a fair note with 4.80 crores coming in. The film fared extremely well due to rave critics’ reviews and positive word-of-mouth. It enjoyed a 4-day extended weekend and saw a reasonable jump in collections by making 31.10 crores. At the end of its theatrical run, the film summed up 62 crores.

Secret Superstar Box Office: Here's The Daily Breakdown Of Aamir Khan-Zaira Wasim's 2017 Hit
Secret Superstar Box Office: Here’s The Daily Breakdown Of Aamir Khan-Zaira Wasim’s 2017 Hit

Take a look at Secret Superstar’s daily breakdown:

Day 1- 4.80 crores

Day 2- 9.25 crores

Day 3- 8.55 crores

Day 4- 8.50 crores

First weekend (extended)- 31.10 crores

Day 5- 3.05 crores

Day 6- 2.75 crores

Day 7- 2.40 crores

Day 8- 2.29 crores

First week (extended)- 41.59 crores

Day 9- 2.10 crores

Day 10- 3.50 crores

Day 11- 4 crores

Day 12- 1.25 crores

Day 13- 1.25 crores

Day 14- 1.25 crores

Day 15- 0.90 crore

Second week- 14.25 crores (55.84 crores)

Day 16- 0.70 crore

Day 17- 1.30 crores

Day 18- 1.50 crores

Day 19- 0.50 crore

Day 20- 0.45 crore

Day 21- 0.40 crore

Day 22- 0.35 crore

Third week- 5.20 crores (61.04 crores)

Rest of the days- 0.96 crore (62 crores)

Lifetime- 62 crores

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