In just one week flat, Kartik Aaryan’s Luka Chuppi has emerged as a major success at the Box Office. The film has exceeded expectations on every day ever since its release. The film took a very good start and then only saw raised momentum over the weekend. The real surprise was the film’s performance over the weekdays when the numbers stayed really good.

As a result, the film’s first week numbers stand at 53.70 crores and that’s how typically star-driven affairs usually do. Even on Thursday, the film stood over the 4 crore mark as the numbers that came in were 4.03 crores. This is truly fantastic as it is a clear indication of the film been accepted well amongst the audience.

With such figures, the movie has also surpassed Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety (45.94 crores) and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 (39.25 crores) to become highest week one grosser for Kartik Aaryan.

Box Office - Luka Chuppi is a major success, Sonchiriya folds up
Box Office Updates: Luka Chuppi Is A Major Success, Sonchiriya Folds Up

The film has done so well despite close competition from Total Dhamaal as well, which again was catering to the same audience base. As things stand today, this Kartik Aryan and Kriti Sanon starrer is aiming for a total in excess of 75 crores for sure and anything more than that would be an added bonus.

As for Sonchiriya, it has folded up with collections standing at mere 6.60 crores*. Nothing much can be said about it after this. Disaster.

Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources

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