Ever since Saira Banu has made her debut on Instagram after Dilip Kumar’s demise, she’s been on a spree of sharing some interesting stories about the late actor with his contemporaries like Dev Anand, Raj Kapoor, director Subhash Ghai, Sunil Dutt and many others. Recently, she took to social media to spill the beans about the time when Dharmendra met Dilip Kumar for the first time. In the same Insta long post, the former actress also revealed how the later veteran actor became the beacon of light in Dharamendra’s life.
Sharing a couple of photos of them together she first opened up about the time Dharam Ji travelled from Ludhiana, Punjab, to Bombay to meet him as his acting had set him on fire. Scroll down for details.
Saira Banu wrote about Dilip Kumar and Dharmendra, “Dharam Ji has always walked into Sahib’s house without ceremony or appointments. Be it midnight or the day, Sahib always welcomed him. He became the beacon of light in Dharam Ji’s life when stardom and success came to him and he did not know how to handle them. I remember one night before the mahurat launch of Sunny’s film ‘Betaab’, Dharam Ji reached Sahib’s house at midnight and went upstairs, spreading Sunny’s huge photographs on display for him to see, and then sheepishly disclosed that the heroine was Nasir Bhai’s and Begum Para’s relative Amrita Singh.”
She went on to add, “Dharam Ji never got to work with Sahib except when he made a brief appearance in Paari. “This is the only photograph I have in my house which I see every day besides the photographs of my parents and my sons.” Dharam Ji said, “When I was working with Saira, I used to tell her jokingly, “I am in competition with Saira for the love of Yusuf Sahib!”
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