Salman Khan has been ruling the Bollywood industry for more than three decades now. Over the years, the superstar has given us some incredible performances with blockbuster successes. Back in 2011, Salman organised an industry screening for his film Dabangg and asked Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s reaction to how he liked his film and it wasn’t how the actor expected it to be.
Salman’s cop drama enjoys a massive fan following and has become a niche for the actor over the years.
Sonakshi Sinha made her Bollywood debut opposite Salman Khan with Dabangg back in 2011. The film performed really well at the box office and is till date one of the best films Bhai has made. At the screening, Aamir Khan, Malaika Arora, Vidhu Vinod Chopra and more were present and today, we bring you a throwback video where Salman asked Vidhu’s reaction to his film Dabangg.
Vidhu was standing next to Salman and during a press conference, “There is no such thing as ‘verdict’. I don’t really believe in verdicts. I think it’s a great effort. I think he’s done a great character, really wonderful. A film’s box office isn’t an indicator of its quality. Some brilliant movies have been made, and they’ve been ‘unsuccessful’, this doesn’t mean that they are bad films.”
The producer continued and said, “This film will be very successful, I believe. Salman wants me to be honest, and I’ll say it again, his performance, and how the character has been written, is outstanding.” Interrupting him, Salman Khan said, “But you’ve already said this, what about the rest of the film?” Replying to him Vidhu Vinod Chopra said, “Other things are not my kind of a film.”
Watch the full video here:
Well, Vidhu Vinod Chopra predicted Salman Khan’s Dabangg’s box office success even before it was released.
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