Bollywood actor Sonu Sood became everyone’s favourite and migrant’s messiah when he decided to help migrant workers to reach home amid COVID-19. In the wake of the pandemic, The Singh Is King actor made sure to arrange medical assistance and other essential services for those who were in need during the tough times. Recently, Sonu Sood took to social media to share a picture from a village where he’s seen posing with a cow. Sharing the photo, Sonu Sood offered fresh milk to netizens.
In the photo, Sonu Sood looks dapper wearing black bottoms paired with a beige jacket. He picked a black t-shirt to wear underneath the jacket. He rounded off his look with white sneakers. The actor is seen petting the cow by touching her forehead. While looking at the photo, we couldn’t help but scroll through the comments section which made us go rolling down the floor laughing. Yes, soon after Sonu posted this picture, netizens had a field day as one requested the Simmba star to not join the political party, Congress. He said, “Sir aap please congress join mat karna.” One of his fans also expressed his desire to work for people.
A netizen wrote, “Want to join you, to work for the people.” Another said, “Sonu sir AAP goun ki mitti nahi bhule.” Check it out below:
Seeing Sonu Sood make headlines for his good deeds, a chief minister had asked the actor about making it look so easy. Replying to this, Sonu had humbly said, “We have a whole system and machinery in place, we run the government, but how do you reach people before us? Even I don’t know, but because we have helped lakhs of people reach home, they became my volunteers. I used to call them in the middle of the night and say, ‘Boss, make sure oxygen or medicine or mobile phones reach the needy’, so they left everything and did what was required. That is how the whole mechanism worked and I hope it continues to work like this.”