Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra took to social media on Sunday to share a special message for hubby Raj Kundra on the occasion of Father’s Day. The actress did so by sharing a cute picture of her hubby dearest and kids spending quality time together.
Taking to Instagram, Shilpa shared a pic of Raj, who she fondly calls Cookie, enjoying himself in a swimming pool with daughter Samisha and son Viaan Raj.
“Dearest Cookie, To the world you are just a father .. but to our family you are our World. Our children Viaan- Raj and Samisha are so fortunate to have you in their life. Thankyou for being in our lives and being the bestest PAPA in the world @rajkundra9 #love #happyfathersday #gratitude #unconditionallove #happiness #family,” Shilpa Shetty wrote.
Shilpa, who is also a yoga enthusiast, suggested an asana on social media last week that would help relieve pent up stress and anxiety. In her video posted on Instagram, Shilpa Shetty performs the Parsva Sukhasana.
“Sometimes, one needs to start their week on a calm and quiet note. Today is one such day for me when I just want to relax my mind and calm myself down. So today, I practiced the Parsva Sukhasana. It helps relieve the pent up stress and anxiety that gradually affects the immune system and one’s overall health. Physically, it helps stretch the neck, shoulders, obliques, and back,” the actress revealed.