Bollywood’s iconic star Shakti Kapoor has been a legend in the industry. Known for his humorous punchlines, the actor is still remembered for his performances, and his unforgettable dialogues are widely used in social media memes. Kapoor gained popularity for his role as Crime Master Gogo in Rajkumar Santoshi’s Andaz Apna Apna, starring alongside Salman Khan and Aamir Khan in the lead roles. However, did you know he wasn’t the first choice for the role of Crime Master Gogo?
In an interview with Digital Commentary, the 71-year-old actor discussed the character and shared how he got the role almost at the end of filming. He recalled that Crime Master Gogo was originally planned for Tinnu Anand. However, since Anand couldn’t return on time during his time abroad, the makers approached Kapoor for the role.
Shakti Kapoor shared, “Nearly 70 percent of the filming had already been completed. Though I wanted to work with Santoshi and the movie’s producer was my friend, I expressed concerns about starting filming in three days, citing date issues. Despite this, they persistently requested my involvement. In response, I suggested a compromise, proposing that we could shoot my scenes during the night if the other stars were fine with this arrangement.”
He further explained that he discussed this with Anand, asking if “he was okay with me playing the role,” as he “wouldn’t have assumed the part without his permission.” Anand had “no reservations about this.” Kapoor also revealed that the famous dialogue of the character, “Ankhen nikalke goti khelunga,” was the creation of Anand.
During the interview, Kapoor also recalled a time when he had an encounter with Aamir Khan at an international airport, where the latter was searching for a Crime Master Gogo-themed t-shirt. Kapoor revealed, “I was surprised to learn that t-shirts featuring the character had been created. My son swiftly located one at the airport and gifted it to Aamir. The next time I saw Aamir at a party, he was proudly sporting that t-shirt. It was then that I learned that Crime Master Gogo toys were being sold, and there were even stalls named Crime Master Momos.”
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