Even though Shah Rukh Khan has been missing from the big screen for a long time, he can never be out of our minds. The Badshah of Bollywood had once predicted in an interview back in 2011 that the younger generation will not watch Bollywood films anymore because of its age-old scripts and techniques.
Post Ra.One., SRK opened up about how he wants to make coming-out-of-age movies for his audience as he wants to be remembered as an actor who did it all.
In a conversation with Preity Zinta back in 2011 as mentioned in Indian Express, Shah Rukh Khan talked about how he wants to make an impact with VFX. He had said, “The industry has given me so much. I feel that when my career ends, I want to leave a mark beyond playing a villain, romancing heroines, and dancing well. I did that for myself. But I want people to look back and think of me when they think about VFX in Indian films. ‘You know that guy Shah Rukh, world-famous Aryan’s dad? It was him’.”
Going further in the conversation, Shah Rukh Khan predicted that younger audiences will lose interest in Bollywood films unless they watch something larger-than-life. Talking about it, he said, “We should get into this larger-than-life cinema, because if we don’t, the younger generation will stop watching our films. They have access to international films. I think they should have access to our superheroes, we have such great mythologies, such great stories to tell…”
Recently, we saw RRR, Shamshera, Brahmastra, Ponniyin Selvan I, Adipurush, and other movies to come up from the spectrum of mythology and VFX. Years ago, Shah Rukh Khan had done Ra.One. What do you think of it? Let us know!
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