Shah Rukh Khan had taken a long break from Bollywood after the failure of Zero. After some not-so-favourable performances at the box office, the superstar needed time to introspect where he was going wrong. He’s finally coming up with three films – Pathaan, Jawan & Dunki. But what are the kind of films he wants to do in future? SRK has the best response and that’s connected to Batman, Superman and Spider-Man. Scroll below for details!
As most know, Pathaan which will mark the comeback of SRK is barely a month from release. The superstar has all his faith that the film will be a success at the box office despite the ongoing Besharam Rang controversy that demanded a ban. Amidst it all, the superstar recently expressed his wish to do a movie like Leon: The Professional.
Shah Rukh Khan told on Scoop With Raya, “I want to do everything. I want to do good guys, bad guys, mean guys, happy guys, loving guys, fighting guys. This year has been very interesting because I have done Pathaan, which is the action film I came here to do 32 years ago. So, hopefully, at 57 I still look like I’ll carry it off. I have done a film, which I always wanted to try the south Indian genre. It’s a different set of doing. It’s called Jawan. And then I always wanted to work with Rajkumar Hirani. You know we have been trying to work since 3 Idiots & Munna Bhai MBBS. So, finally, that’s happening.”
Shah Rukh Khan continued, “After this, I want to do a film like Leon: The Professional. Not Leon but a film like where I am older, quiet guy, very intense with a grey beard & grey hair. I don’t know. I am very playful about it. I don’t take the characters and roles that I do. I just want to tell a story, somebody has the desire to tell. And I want to tell it to the best of my capabilities. So, if a director has a story and says this is what we love, I will say, I also love it. Now let me try and make it the best that I can for you. So, I enjoy it. I am Batman at night, Superman in the morning & Spider-Man in the afternoon. So, I just want to play all kinds of characters.”
Would you like to see Shah Rukh Khan in a character like Leon?
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