Today, Shah Rukh Khan fans couldn’t contain their happiness. If you are not aware, the superstar conducted #AskSRK session on his Twitter page today. This is an interaction every SRK fans keeps waiting for every year. Compared to before, it doesn’t happen often. But when it does, his admirers don’t lose a chance to ask him anything and everything.
SRKians happiness saw no bounds when SRK tweeted about conducting the session today. He first shared a tweet celebrating his father Meer Taj Mohammed’s birthday anniversary. The Zero actor wrote, “And we have a long way to go…. ‘Ishrat-e-qatra hai dariya mein fana ho jaana
dard ka had se guzarna hai dawa ho jaana’
– Ghalib.”
Within a few minutes, Shah Rukh Khan shared a new tweet. It read, “Actually why not….let’s have a #AskSRK for a bit then time to build a sandcastle with the little one.”
As soon as the superstar tweeted this, in minutes he was flooded with thousands of questions. The first question Shah Rukh Khan was asked was, “How was your quarantine?” #AskSRK. The superstar replied, “Full of watching movies.”
Recently, SRK and Kajol starrer Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge completed 25 years. The film is releasing in different parts of the world. A fan asked, “#AskSRK will you go see DDLJ in cinemas in UAE? The Zero actor said, “Not really will wait to watch a new film of mine in the theatres perhaps”. The superstar won hearts here with his witty response. Since 2018, after Zero everyone is waiting for the superstar to reveal his new project. It looks like Khan himself is waiting for his new movie.
One more question asked was, “How do you keep yourself busy these days? #AskSRK”. The actor answered, “Children, workout, watch IPL (Feel bad/ good) children…”.
Read the tweets below:
Full of watching movies.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2020
Not really will wait to watch a new film of mine in the theatres perhaps
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2020
Children, workout, watch IPL (Feel bad/ good) children…
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2020
There are more such witty and hilarious replies given by SRK to his fans on Twitter.