Actor Sanjay Dutt on Tuesday shared an Instagram post in memory of his father, the late actor-politician Sunil Dutt, on the occasion of the latters death anniversary, calling him a friend and a mentor.
Sanjay posted a throwback black and white picture where he poses alongside his father.
“A parent, an idol, a friend, a mentor – you were everything to me. Love you Dad, miss”you,” Sanjay Dutt wrote as caption.
Sanjay Dutt’s father Sunil Dutt passed away in 2005 after a heart attack in his Mumbai home, two weeks prior to his 76th birthday.
Sanjay awaits the release of “Shamshera” and “KGF Chapter 2” later this year. The movie that also stars Yash is one of the most anticipated pan India film of the year. Stay tuned to Koimoi for more information about the same.