Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu have defined the phrase sticking together in the most challenging times in the 54 years of their successful marriage. The two recently celebrated their wedding anniversary, and Banu was all in love talking about her man. But while on it, she also gave a health update about Dilip Sahab and turns out it isn’t a happy one. The veteran actor revealed that Kumarji is not keeping too well. Below is all she had to say about the actor and also has a request for his fans.
Veteran actor Dilip Kumar has been not keeping well for a while now. The legendary actor DilipHe is been taken care of by Saira Banu who time and again keeps updating his fans about the superstar’s health. In her recent update, she has said that he is not well.
In her latest interview as per India Today, Saira Banu said that Dilip Kumar is not keeping well. The actor is weak and just walks from his room to the hall and back. She also reveals his immunity is at a low right now, and they are thankful for each day. While on that, Banu requested their fans to pray for Kumar as they pass this challenging phase.
Saira Banu said, “He’s not too well. He’s weak. At times, he walks into the hall and back to his room. His immunity is low. Pray for his welfare. We are grateful to God for each day.”
She further added that she is looking after Dilip Kumar actor ‘out of love and not duress’. “I am not looking for praises to be called a devoted wife. Just to touch him and cuddle him is the world’s best thing that’s happening to me. I adore him and he is my breath itself,” said Saira Banu.
Meanwhile, the couple did not celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary this year as Dilip Kumar’s brothers Ahsan Bhai and Aslam Bhai, breathed their last after battling with the pandemic. Announcing the same on Twitter she wrote, “Oct. 11, is always the most beautiful day in my life. Dilip Saheb married me on this day and made my cherished dreams come true. This year, we are not celebrating. You all know we lost two of our brothers, Ahsan Bhai and Aslam Bhai. The unprecedented turmoil due to the Covid-19 pandemic has taken many lives and caused sorrow in many families. In the current circumstances, we request all of you, our dear friends, to pray for each other’s safety and well-being. May God be with us all. Stay Safe.”
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