Priyanka Chopra, who started her career as Miss World, then she stepped into the Bollywood industry as an actress and proved her worth with her hard work, dedication and skills. However, now she is a global diva and is known for being in international projects like Quantico, Baywatch, Matrix: Resurrection and now Citadel. Well, she has quite a vibrant career graph.
However, there was this one moment that she could not erase from her memories when she was asked to show her underwear by a Bollywood filmmaker. Recently, in an interview, PeeCee talked about it once again. Keep scrolling to get to the scoop.
In a conversation with Zoe Report, Priyanka Chopra opened up about the early beginning of her career when she had met with a new Bollywood director for a film and had asked to show her underwear in terms of getting more audience to watch his movie. She said, “This may have been 2002 or ’03… I’m undercover, I’m seducing the guy – obviously, that’s what girls do when they’re undercover. But I’m seducing the guy and you have to take off one piece of clothing (at a time). I wanted to layer up. The filmmaker was like, No, I need to see her underwear. Otherwise, why is anybody coming to watch this movie?”
Priyanka Chopra further explained, “He didn’t say it to me. He said it to the stylist in front of me. It was such a dehumanizing moment. It was a feeling of, I’m nothing else outside of how I can be used, my art is not important, what I contribute is not important.” And after two days, she had quit the film.
On the work front, while Priyanka Chopra was basking in the success of her web show Citadel, her new movie Love Again was released, which is also receiving quite a lot of accolades. Priyanka now has Farhan Akhtar‘s Jee Le Zara on her list as her upcoming release.
Actresses facing the wrath of a director’s s*xual whim never gets old, huh! What do you think? Let us know.
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