Laal Singh Chaddha is currently on the buzz as the film’s release is just around the corner. The film that has been in the making for a long time is very close to lead star Aamir Khan’s heart. Meanwhile, the actor stunned everyone with his appearance in Koffee With Karan with LSC co-star Kareena Kapoor Khan. However, the actor in the show revealed Bebo wasn’t actually the first choice and he went to talk about roping in a new actress who featured with Kareena in an ad and netizens feel the newbie is none other than Manushi Chillar.
Directed by Advait Chandan, the film is an official remake of Tom Hanks’ Forrest Gump, which itself is based on Winston Groom’s 1986 novel of the same name. Other than Kareena and Aamir, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya will also play important roles in the film.
The latest Koffee With Karan season 7 episode was released earlier than its usual time and in the show, Aamir Khan spoke about Kareena Kapoor Khan not being the first choice to play Rupa in Laal Singh Chaddha. He mentioned an ad of Bebo that featured another actress that he didn’t name; however, Karan Johar knew who he was talking about. Now, a Reddit user feels it was Manushi Chillar and the commercial Khan was talking about is for Malabar Gold.
Check out the Malabar Gold ad featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan and Manushi Chillar below:
Was Manushi Chillar the choice for the role of Rupa in Laal Singh Chaddha before it went to Kareena? from BollyBlindsNGossip
In the Koffee With Karan episode, Karan Johar questioned Aamir Khan about Kareena Kapoor Khan not being the first choice for Laal Singh Chaddha. To this, the Dangal star said, “No because we were actually thinking about age group. Both the characters have a journey from 18 to 50 years of life. Initially, we thought the lesser the de-aging the better. So only I should de-age. We were looking at the age group of 25 (years). So that the actress can look younger and older.”
Aamir continued, “The casting director mentioned some new actress, who was a newbie. He showed us her video. Kareena too was in that ad. We were looking at the video for someone else. Advait (Advait Chandan) and I were watching and that girl was also very good; but when we saw Kareena in that, we were lost in Kareena. Both of us looked at each other and we said Kareena. We didn’t think of her originally because we thought (of casting someone who was) 25. We were stuck in that 25, which was a stupid thing. She too can get de-ageing with me and whatever is required and I’m so glad we saw that ad because I cannot imagine anyone else in this role other than Kareena.”
Laal Singh Chaddha featuring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to release next week on August 11, 2022.
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