Much before its release, Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham got mired in controversies. The film has been in the making for quite some time now and fans have been waiting with bated breath for it to finally arrive in theatres. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film is scheduled to hit the screen on January 25. While many have been voicing their opinion in support and opposition of the film, the latest one to give it a hilarious twist is a stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra.
The lead actor kick-started the promotional spree of the film with FIFA World Cup 2022 where SRK was seen joining Robin Uttapa in a debate while DP unveiled the golden trophy.
Recently, stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra, who’s often in the news for his unpopular opinions, took to Twitter to share England cricketer Ben Stokes’ Twitter post. Taking to his social media handle, the cricketer shared a blank saffron-coloured photo which he shared after being selected for Chennai Super Kings. The cricketer was bought by Dhoni’s Team for Rs 16.25 Cr, which is touted to be a big buy from Chennai.
However, Kunal Kamra gave it a fun Twist and linked it to Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s Pathaan. Re-sharing the same, he wrote, “Thank you for showing your support to Pattan Movie,” with hand-folded emojis. Check it out below:
Thank you for showing your support to Pattan Movie 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
— Kunal Kamra (@kunalkamra88) December 23, 2022
Haha! Isn’t it hilarious?
In July, Kunal Kamra was in news when his stand-up comedy show was cancelled after Bajrang Dal threatened to protest and disrupt the show.
Speaking about the same, Bajrang Dal’s district coordinator Praveen Saini alias Praveen Hindustani told Indian Express, “We met the management of the bar and told them to cancel the show. This comedian (Kunal Kamra) has repeatedly insulted Hindu gods and goddesses in his shows and videos. We showed the organisers the videos of his acts on YouTube. Such artistes, who attack Hindu faith, will not be allowed to perform in Gurgaon and any such insults will not be tolerated. We handed over a memorandum to a magistrate and requested them to cancel the show as it could disturb communal harmony and create a potential law and order situation.”
Coming back, what are your thoughts on Kunal Kamra’s Twist? Do let us know.
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