Actor Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s relationship rumours haven’t been hidden from anyone. Even Akshay Kumar teased Kiara with Sidharth’s name on The Kapil Sharma Show during the promotions of Laxmii. The duo looks adorable together and will soon be seen sharing the screen in a film called Shershaah.
Recently, the actress shared the trailer of her upcoming film Indoo Ki Jawani on social media. Sidharth Malhotra lauded it. Not just that, Kiara responded to the Student Of The Year actor’s praises. Read the article to know the full story.
While sharing the trailer, Sidharth Malhotra wrote, “indoo from Ghaziabad looks (fire emoticons) see you 11th dec guys #IndooKiJawaniTrailer @advani_kiara.” He also tagged the entire star cast of the movie including his rumoured girlfriend Kiara Advani. Kiara also created headlined by replying Sidharth’s tweet. The actress sent a virtual hug to Sidharth.
indoo from Ghaziabad looks🔥🔥see you 11th dec guys 👌#IndooKiJawaniTrailer @advani_kiara @AdityaSeal_ @AbirSenguptaa @monishaadvani @madhubhojwani @nikkhiladvani #BhushanKumar @ashesinwind @ryanmstephen
— Sidharth Malhotra (@SidMalhotra) November 24, 2020
Indoo looks forward to seeing you too 🤝 🤗
— Kiara Advani (@advani_kiara) November 24, 2020
Kiara Advani wrote, “Indoo looks forward to seeing you too.” The cute banter between two celebrities caught the attention of their fans and they started gushing over the same.
Speaking about Kiara’s appearance in The Kapil Sharma Show, ace comedian Kapil Sharma asked her, “Do you have dates reserved for love or you don’t have a boyfriend only?” To which Kiara replied that she has decided to only spill the beans about her love life when she sets a wedding date. But Akshay Kumar immediately took a dig on the actress by saying,“Badi ‘siddhanto’ wali ladki hai (She is a woman of principles).”
Indoo Ki Jawani was supposed to release on 5th June but it got postponed due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. The movie is all set to release on theatres now. Apart from this movie, Kiara will also be seen in Jug Jugg Jeeyo and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. The actress is in Chandigarh to shoot for the former film. Jug Jugg Jeeyo will be helmed by Raj Mehta. The film also stars Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor.
What’s your take on Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s cute banter? Do let us know via comments and stay tuned to Koimoi for the latest updates on your favourite stars and movies.
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