Bollywood actress Raveena Tondon, who is basking in the glory of KGF Chapter-2, has shared a video in which people are seen cheering and throwing coins at the screen in a theatre playing the said movie.
The movie halls, especially single screens, are witnessing the age-old practice of flinging coins on the silver screen by audiences for KGF Chapter 2.
“After a long time seeing coins flying on the screen!” Raveena Tandon, who essayed the role of Ramika Sen and won the hearts of audience, posted on instagram on Tuesday.
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Raveena Tandon has also shared the video of the last day of the last shot of KGF Chapter-2.
“Last day, last shot! And it’s a raze… Thank you for the love,” she posted.
Raveena’s celebration of completion of the last shot with the director of the movie Prashanth Neel and other technicians showed the bond among the team KGF Chapter -2.
Raveena Tondon’s ‘ghuske maarenge’ dialogue and portrayal of her character as the Prime Minister of India has won her huge accolades and audience are loving the character as much they are loving the ‘Rocky bhai’ character of Rocking Star Yash and ‘Adheera’ character of veteran actor Sanjay Dutt.