Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s son Jeh is making headlines every now and then. The couple has named their second child ‘Jehangir Ali Khan’. This didn’t go well with the netizens and they started trolling them unnecessarily. Amid the controversy, Kareena and Saif gave the first glimpse of their son and he’s cute beyond words.
Kareena and Saif were accompanied by sister Karisma Kapoor and were headed to their father’s house, Randhir Kapoor.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second baby in February this year and revealed his name recently. The couple has named their second child – Jehangir. Ever since the name is disclosed in the public, netizens are trolling the star couple every now and then for naming their kid after a Mughal emperor.
Kareena Kapoor Khan has been teasing her fans with the pictures of Jehangir on her Instagram stories and posts but didn’t reveal the face. Today, the paparazzi got the first glimpse of Jeh and he’s cute as a button.
Take a look at his pic here:
Isn’t he cute? Those cheeks have our hearts.
Meanwhile talking to India Today, Kareena Kapoor Khan opened up on the name controversy around Jehangir’s name and said, “Bollywood celebrities, in every situation, are a soft target. I’m a very positive person. I’m very happy and content and I want to spread positivity. In a time like Covid, I can’t think of trolls, I can’t think of any form of negativity. There’s no place for negativity in our lives because look at what the pandemic has taught us. It’s bringing us closer, it has brought the world closer, we have to stand for each other. That’s the way I think, all of us think and I think all of us should think.”
What are your thoughts on Jeh’s first pictures? Tell us in the comments below.
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