Kunal Kapoor’s latest film, ‘Koi Jaane Na’, recently released on an OTT platform, post a theatrical release in April. Recently, Hrithik Roshan also sat down to watch the film and was floored by Kunal’s performance.
Taking to his social media, Hrithik shared a poster of the film as he wrote, “Truly an unexpected discovery! Thought I’d watch 30 mins because it’s my friends film, but kept going on and on. Ended up happily surprised at the script, story, and you dude!”
Hrithik Roshan further praised Kunal Kapoor’s work in his Insta story, by adding, “My Man, you have metamorphosed into brilliance (bias less 10% 😛it’s supremely intelligent strategic acting which we don’t get enough of) Your good looks have now turned into a bonus! Well done man!”
At the screening of Koi Jaane Na, Aamir Khan too was all praises for his Rang De Basanti co-star, Kunal Kapoor. He had said that Kunal had done a great job and he has also looked so good in the film, plus the romance between Kunal and Amyra was very good.
Kunal has been on the receiving end of a lot of praises for ‘Koi Jaane Na‘, which saw Kunal in a raw intense character, as he looked super handsome as well. The actor is currently busy with various campaigns running via his crowdfunding platform, Ketto for helping with India’s Covid situation while also exploring his tech geek side in this lockdown.