Bollywood’s Greek God Hrithik Roshan has managed all the limelight owing to his personal reasons. Not once but HR was spotted twice with a mystery girl, Saba Azad, during their dinner dates. The actor duo was snapped by the paps as they left an eatery holding hands in the same car. Soon after their pictures went viral on social media, speculations about their alleged love affair spread like wildfire.
Well, Krishh star may be in the news for dating Saba, but there’s another girl who has recently expressed her desire to marry the actor. And she’s none other than, Femina Miss India United Continents 2018 winner Gayatri Bhardwaj.
During her conversation with Times Of India, when Gayatri was asked who would she like to marry and date, she in her reply said that she wants to marry Hrithik Roshan as he’s ready to settle down again. She told the portal, Bhardwaj said, “I would like to date Siddhant Chaturvedi. I don’t know if he’s single or not. I think I will marry Hrithik Roshan, I guess he is ready to settle down again. He is my childhood crush, so I cannot leave him out of the picture.”
Well, that says pretty much, very much!
Gayatri also spilled the beans on her Bollywood debut project. She said, “I have a film that is all set to release in the next few months. We’re hoping for a theatrical release but COVID situation can bring in some changes. It will be my first Bollywood movie and I’m so excited. It’s a love story and I’m playing a typical Bollywood heroine, wearing nice clothes and also dancing. It’s an out-and-out romantic comedy/ drama – a dream come true role.”
Coming back to Hrithik, the actor will next be seen opposite Deepika Padukone in Fighter