Bollywood’s leading casting director Mukesh Chhabra is all set to make his debut as a director with Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi starrer Dil Bechara. The film which is an official remake of the hit Hollywood film The Fault In Our Stars, will also have Saif Ali Khan play a cameo. In an exclusive chat with Koimoi, Mukesh opened up on working with the Love Aaj Kal actor and also if he will cast his son Taimur Ali Khan one day.
As per reports, Dil Bechara will have Saif play the character of the author Peter Van Houten who the lead characters go to meet. Talking about his experience working with Saif in his very first film, Mukesh revealed how he made him comfortable in no time.
Mukesh said, “It was fun. Saif immediately said yes when I approached him. We have worked together in Love Aaj Kal and many other films. So when I requested him to make an appearance in Dil Bechara, he was ready in no time. Also on sets, he made me feel so comfortable by giving me the liberty to make him do whatever I wanted him to. I think his experience has polished his craft that his work is so smooth. And what an amazing person he is.”
Further when a fan asked him if he met Taimur and does he plan to cast him some day, Mukesh answered, “Yes, I met him many times when we were shooting abroad. He was there. First time all I did was keep looking at him for 10-15 minutes, he is that cute and adorable. Casting him or not, I don’t know. When the time is right let’s see, there’s a lot of time for that, let me first do what is in my plate already.”
Meanwhile, Dil Bechara that marks Sanjana Sanghi’s debut was set to release soon but the pandemic has pushed things ahead. Directed by Mukesh Chhabra the film will also have AR Rahman’s musical composition.
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