Due to the lockdown across the nation, reruns of popular old shows have taken over the television. Doordarshan’s mythological shows Ramayan and Mahabharat are amongst the most watched shows on TV right now. These shows have not just brought back the nostalgia but have also piqued the youngsters interest in mythology. Since the shows have started re-airing, several lesser known facts about the shows have been surfacing on the internet. The latest we hear is actor Nitish Bharadwaj, who played the iconic character of Krishna in B.R. Chopra’s Mahabharat was earlier cast in the role of Vidur.
Yes, you read that right! In a recent interview, Nitish revealed how he underwent screen tests for other characters of the show but fate had some other plans for him. Soon after, Ravi Chopra offered him the role of Krishna; however, he was skeptical to play such a great role and after giving a screen test, Nitish was selected among 55 people. “I was cast for the role of Vidur earlier, but suddenly someone else was given the role of Vidur in my place. I knew Ravi, and we also did films together. When I went and asked Ravi, he said that you are now 23-24 years old and Vidur will get old after a few episodes. It won’t suit you,” said the actor.
He added, “After this, I had no job. After some time I got an offer again. I was being cast as Nakula in the show. I refused to do that. I wanted to play Abhimanyu, I told Ravi then he said that he will think. After some time I was called for screen test of Krishna’s role but I refused. I told him that for the role of Krishna you need an experienced human being. How can you give the role of a great man to a new person? So he told me that you wanted to do a good role once you do a screen test. Just then did I give a screen test and it was final.”
Amid the re-run of the epic show Mahabharat, Nitish Bharadwaj also recently made his social media debut to thank his fans for all such amazing response and all the love.
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