Legendary Badminton player and Deepika Padukone’s father Prakash Padukone has tested positive for COVID-19 and is admitted to a hospital in Bengaluru. It was last week that his wife Ujjala and younger daughter Anisha Padukone also tested positive for the virus and after the prolonged fever, Prakash was admitted to hospital on Saturday.
Our country is going through a hard crisis right now with more than 4 lakh cases a day. Although the vaccine rollout has started successfully there’s still a shortage of oxygen cylinders.
Vimal Kumar who happens to be the Director of the Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy in Bengaluru spoke to Press Trust Of India and revealed that the family is doing well now.
Vimal said, “Around 10 days back, Prakash Padukone, his wife (Ujjala) and second daughter (Anisha), they developed symptoms and got themselves tested and the results came out to be positive.”
Vimal Kumar continued and said, “They got themselves isolated but after a week Prakash’s fever didn’t come down, so last Saturday, he was admitted to a hospital here in Bengaluru. He is okay now. All his parameters are fine, his wife and daughter are at home and he too will be hopefully discharged in 2-3 days.”
Prakash Padukone is a legendary figure in the field of Badminton and we hope that he along with his wife and daughter recover soon.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone is in Mumbai right now and hasn’t commented or shared anything on her family’s health on social media yet.
Although recently, the Bajirao Mastani actress shared an informative note on ‘Mental Health’ on her Instagram with a caption that read, “As millions of us (me and my family included) strive to stay afloat, let us not forget that our emotional well-being in this current crisis, is equally important! Remember, You Are Not Alone. We are in this Together. And most importantly, there is Hope!🙏🏽 #YouAreNotAlone”.
We wish a speedy recovery to Prakash Padukone and his family.
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