A few days back, Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani married each other in an intimate ceremony in Rajasthan. The couple held a reception party in Mumbai on Sunday for their friends from the fraternity, and it was a star-studded affair, needless to say. Among all celebrities, one celeb grabbed our attention and stunned us as well and it’s Bhumi Pednekar. Bhumi not only grabbed eyeballs with her shining toned abs showing outfit but also by kissing a mystery man while leaving the venue. Scroll down to know more in detail!
The Raksha Bandhan actress attended Sid-Kiara’s reception in a dazzling golden lehenga with a plunging blouse. The actress confidently showcased her well-maintained physique.
When she left the party, Bhumi Pednekar was spotted kissing a mysterious man. She was inside her car, and the guy was standing outside; then he leaned in, and the duo could be seen sharing a quick kiss. A popular Bollywood paparazzo initially uploaded the video clip but it was soon taken down by them from Instagram. And now, the video is going viral on Reddit’s Bolly Blind N Gossip.
Here have a look at the sensational clip:
Bhumi kisisng man on sod kiara reception while guards try to cover from BollyBlindsNGossip
The guard who was escorting Bhumi Pednekar was trying to cover the camera but failed miserably. The ‘man’ was wearing a printed full-sleeved shirt. Some of the Redditors in the comment section claimed that he is Bhumi‘s alleged boyfriend, who is said to be a businessman, and his name is Yash Kataria. As Per the Redditors, the guy is 28 years old and has been allegedly often spotted with her hanging out.
Reacting to the clip, one user wrote, “Yeh printed bhaisaab hai kaun?” Another user wrote, “Ye toh bacha lag raha h”. Making a guess, another user wrote, “Looks like Yash kataria- her bf”. One Reddit user wrote, “Guard did the most shittiest job LMAO”. “Maybe he was cracking a joke. Who knows,” comment of another user reads.
On the professional front, Bhumi Pednekar has a bag full of projects, including, The Lady Killer, Bhakshak, Bheed, and others.
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