It seems actor Arjun Kapoor is bored of wearing pyjamas during the ongoing lockdown. So, on Wednesday, he switched to wearing basic blue jeans at home, teamed with a blue T-shirt.

Taking to Instagram Story, Arjun posted a picture where he strikes a dressed-up pose.

Arjun Kapoor Wears Jeans After A Month, Bored Of Pyjamas Already?
Arjun Kapoor Wears Jeans After A Month, Bored Of Pyjamas Already?

“Haila, jeans pant after a month,” he captioned the image, gasping with surprise.

Apart from this, Arjun recently went on virtual date to raise money for daily wage earners of the film industry.

“There is a section of people in our country who have lost livelihood during this crisis and are in dire need to sustain themselves and their families. I am talking about the scores of daily wage earners– your favourite chaat wale bhaiya, construction workers, coolies, dhobis, rickshaw drivers and so many others. The lockdown means that they can”t go out and earn a living…Let”s come together to help those in serious need,” he had said.

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