Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is practising social distancing and is in quarantine at his Panvel farmhouse with the family. The star has been doing every bit to make his fans alert about the danger of COVID-19 that lurks. Last night in a 10 minute long candid video, Salman opened up about his experience in lockdown and also lashed out at people who are violating the rules of the lockdown.
On his Instagram handle, Salman Khan shared a 10 minute long video of him giving his update and advices to his fans and followers. Opening the video with his statement Bigg Boss style introduction, Bhai of Bollywood called the lockdown ‘Zindagi ka Bigg Boss’. The actor reveals how he went to his farmhouse for a two day vacation but the virus gave everyone a long vacation.
Further explaining his viewers the value of using masks he narrated an incident. He said that one of his friends when went out to fetch ration for Salman and family, he was stopped by the police men. The friend removed his mask to talk to the police and that enraged the cops who made him wear it back. Salman said that he as well told him that it was a bad decision to take off the mask.
Further in length, he vented out his anger on the people who are seen not following the rules. He said it is because of these people that the virus is spreading.
Talking about people pelting stones at doctors nurses and patients running away from the hospital, Salman Khan said, “Doctors aur nurses aapki jaan bachaane ke liye aaye aur aapne unpe patthar barsa diye. Those who have been diagnosed with coronavirus, are running away from the hospitals. Wah! Where are you running? Towards life or death?.”
The actor also schooled people about praying. He advised them to do it at home and not put other lives in danger. The video is being applauded for its candidness and the thought behind and we cannot agree more!
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