Yesterday, Alia Bhatt along with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and actor Ajay Devgn was spotted at the launch event of her upcoming film ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’. The trailer is phenomenal and fans are going gaga over Alia doing an unusual character and nailing at it. While at the trailer launch, Ajay arrived in his new ‘Rolls Royce’ and showed it to Alia as well. Scroll below to watch the video.
The video of Alia checking out Ajay’s new car is going viral on the internet and seems like trolls are having a field day with it. It’s a Rolls Royce worth Rs 6.95 crore according to the reports and well, what do you expect. Ajay has one of the most incredible car collections in B-town and often flaunts his cars with his city spottings.
Praising Ajay Devgn’s car, Alia Bhatt can be heard saying, “Wow, beautiful colour.” According to reports, Ajay was the third Indian to buy this expensive car in the country and bought this back in 2019.
Besides Ajay Devgn, an Indian billionaire and industrialist Mukesh Ambani and T-series chairman Bhushan Kumar own the same car.
Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s video here:
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Reacting to the video, a troll commented, “really hope she asked ‘mileage kitna deti hai.’” Another troll commented, “Ab ranbir kapoor se valentine gift mangengi😜” A third troll commented, “Credit Goes To Vimal ✌😂” A fourth troll commented, “Chant Jai Modiji and you will get a R.Royce luxury. Muft muft, muft muft.”
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt will be seen playing the role of Gangu in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ which is a biographical crime drama and the trailer is already making a strong buzz among the fans.
Are y’all excited to watch the film? Tell us in the comments below.
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