Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt seems to continue to hit the headlines with more than one reason. Two days back, the uproar began when she shared about her husband actor Ranbir Kapoor asking her to “wipe off” her lipstick and prompted netizens to label him as a ‘red flag’ for his ‘toxic’ behaviour. Earlier, Alia had faced similar flak when she had said that Ranbir had a “saint-like” mind and he doesn’t like it when she raises her voice when she gets angry.
Now, the ‘Brahmastra’ actress is being trolled for her admiration for Elvish Yadav, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2. For the unversed, on Monday, Elvish Yadav was crowned the winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2 defeating Abhishek Malhan, Manisha Rani, Bebika Dhurve, and Pooja Bhatt in the Grand Finale, hosted by Salman Khan. Elvish is the first wildcard entry to win the show in the history of Bigg Boss, including OTT and the 16-season television show.
On Wednesday, while conducting an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on her Instagram, one of Alia Bhatt’s fans asked her, “Elvish Yadav ke baare me kuch ho jaaye”. In response to this, the ‘Heart Of Stone’ actress said the Bigg Boss OTT 2 winner’s famous catchphrase “Systummmm”, and added red hearts emojis. For the unknown, this term was popularized by Elvish himself to criticize the political landscape in the country.
However, Alia Bhatt instantly balanced it by giving a compliment to her step-sister, Pooja Bhatt, who was also one of the finalists of the reality show. Alia said, “But I have to take my sister’s name kyuki vo to humari ghar parivar ki Rani hai. The way she is.”
This left the netizens in utter shock as they couldn’t reconcile the idea of Alia Bhatt fangirling over Elvish Yadav. This so-called fan girl moment led to trolling on Twitter (now X) and other social media platforms. One user said, “What a downfall for such a talented actor,” while another commented, “Love marriage is scary, what if she…,” and posted along with a screenshot of Alia’s IG story.
Check tweets:
what a downfall for such talented actor
— Saharsh (@whysaharsh) August 16, 2023
Love marriage is scary what if she…..
— Harshit Sharma (@Sharmajikaputtr) August 16, 2023
The actress’ Instagram Story was also shared on subreddit ‘BollyBlindsNGossip’ on Reddit, and people started trolling her there as well. One user wrote, “She probably doesn’t even know who he is, doubt bolly celebs know who these guys are”. Another netizen took a dig at Elvish and said, “Also, a known misogynist who is known for harassing women and threatening journalists”. A third comment read, “People those who are defending her saying that how she would have known whether he is a misogynist – if you don’t know about them, shouldn’t you refrain supporting them publicly? She is a celebrity, you should be aware of whom you are supporting.”
Have a look:
Alia Bhatt shows support for Elvish Yadav, BB OTT 2 winner and flower pot stealer
by u/Legitimate-Pass-2572 in BollyBlindsNGossip
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Alia Bhatt recently made her debut in Hollywood film, ‘Heart Of Stone’ alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. The spy thriller, which premiered on Netflix on August 11, has opened to mostly negative reviews from the audience.
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