A day ago, Kamaal R Khan shared a tweet claiming filmmaker Karan Johar is taking the legal route to stop him from reviewing his films. This move (although unconfirmed) comes after KRK termed his production Selfiee a box office disaster way ahead of its release. Amidst it all, there is unexpected shower of praises for Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. Below are all the details you need!
There have been multiple legal cases filed against Kamaal over his derogatory remarks every now and then. He was also arrested last year over his remarks on the late Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. This was followed by a sexual harassment allegation by a fitness model. Despite all the controversies, Khan continues to grab eyeballs with his brutal words.
Kamaal R Khan had yesterday informed fans that Karan Johar is filing a legal suit against him and following the route that Salman Khan did after his Radhe review. In a follow-up tweet, KRK now praises Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan calling them the “real superstars.”
KRK Tweeted, “Whatever I say about films of @SrBachchan and @iamsrk but they don’t mind. It’s proof that they are real superstars. Only Nalla stars go to court to stop me from my work. #AaaThoo on your Aukaat.”
Whatever I say about films of @SrBachchan and @iamsrk but they don’t mind. It’s proof that they are real super stars. Only Nalla stars go to court to stop me from my work. #AaaThoo on your Aukaat.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) March 2, 2023
His remarks did not end there. Kamaal also mocked Salman Khan over his latest song Billi Billi from Kisi Ki Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. “After watching Billi Billi song of #KisiKaHathKisiKiTaang I can say that #SRK is teaching to all the actors, how to look Launda in the age of 60 years with good work of VFX. Budhaoo (Gippy) is looking like Launda in the song,” he wrote.
After watching Billi Billi song of #KisiKaHathKisiKiTaang I can say that #SRK is teaching to all the actors, how to look Launda in the age of 60 years with good work of VFX. Budhaoo (Gippy) is looking like Launda in the song.🤪
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) March 2, 2023
Looks like KRK won’t get over his obsession with Salman Khan anytime soon.
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