Aayush Sharma made headlines after megastar Salman Khan revealed that his sister Arpita Khan would soon tie the knot to Aayush. Ever since the duo is happily married and are proud parents to two children Ahil Sharma and Ayat Sharma.

Aayush Sharma On His Kids Having A Muslim Name & Hindu Surname & His Response Is Heart Warming
Aayush Sharma On His Kids Having A Muslim Name & Hindu Surname & His Response Is Heart Warming

Now opening up about his children having a Hindu name and a Muslim surname, Aayush has said that it was always his and Arpita’s plan to give their kids a Hindu name and a Muslim surname. Further elaborating on how he thought of his children’s names, the LoveYatri actor has been quoted by Etimes saying, “We wanted everyone to be named with A. When I was travelling to London, I met a guy named Ahil and I thought it’s a very unique name and it turned out to mean the rightful prince in Persian and that was very fascinating. We believe in secular relationships so we wanted both our kids to have a Muslim first name and a Hindu surname.”

Talking about his daughter Ayat, the actor said, “She’s still rather young but she’s started to react to people and associating with people. Luckily, I have a lot of time to spend with my family owing to the quarantine. We take her out for strolls and she gets very fascinated by nature around. I’m just trying to fulfil my fatherly duties.”

Aayush and Arpita along with their children are currently with Salman Khan at his Panvel farmhouse. The rumour mill has also been buzzing with speculations of Jacqueline Fernandez and also Salman’s alleged GF Lulia Vantur too are staying at the farmhouse with Khan.

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