After PM Modi extended the lockdown till May 3, netizens took to social media to make hilarious lockdown memes of which some were Bollywood and K-Serials lockdown memes. One such actress who’s memes have been floating around on social media and WhatsApp groups are of actress Urvashi Dholakia in her Komolika avatar from Kasautii Zindagii Kay.
Being the sport that she is Urvashi shared her favourite meme of the character on her Instagram with a ‘punny’ caption stating, ‘Kahaani Coronikaaaa ki’
Check the post here:
Meanwhile, Urvashi Dholakia has launched her digital chat show called “Trending Now”. In these times of lockdown and home quarantine, Urvashi hopes to make good use of the digital platform by creating personalised content which is informative as well as light and fun.
Through the course of the show, Urvashi will be seen chatting up with personalities from diverse fields.
She has interviewed celebrities like Tony Kakkar, Sriti Jha and Sumona Chakravarti.
Speaking about “Trending Now”, Urvashi said: “Digital media has taken over every possible medium at this moment, and it is the one thing that is successfully moving forward on a high.”
“So I too thought of making good use of this space, especially during this home quarantine phase where people are only resorting to what’s happening in the digital space. The idea of a candid, fun and light chat show was something that instantly crossed my mind because I am someone who loves to talk and connect with people, and get the best out of them with my humourous and witty side!” she added.
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